When the word “connection” is used in the context of dermoscopy, what do you think of? Believe it or not, that one word is actually the source of quite a bit of confusion.
So let's clarify things a bit…
When using Dermlite dermatoscopes with any given electronic medical records (EMR), telemedicine app, etc., the TWO MOST IMPORTANT VARIABLES are 1) the model of dermatoscope which will be used. and 2) the specific device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) which will be used
In other words, Dermlite dermatoscopes only connect to devices. Any connection with an app, EMR, etc. is the responsibility of the smartphone or tablet to which the dermatoscope is attached.
Just as an example, Modernizing Medicine's EMR (EMA) is typically used with iPhones and iPads. If we're tasked with 'connecting our dermatoscope to EMA," the first question would be "which model iPhone or iPad will I be using?"
Let’s suppose that you're planning to use an iPhone 14 Pro Max. Of course, you’ll also want to use that same iPhone to upload dermoscopy pictures, video, etc.
So now, rather than wondering which dermatoscopes are compatible with EMA, the better question is "how can I (physically) connect my iPhone 14 Pro Max to my dermatoscope?" Again, your iPhone will handle the “connection” to EMA, so now it’s just a matter of “connecting” your dermatoscope to your iPhone.
This is a really important point and the source of a lot of confusion. In the context of Dermlite dermatoscopes “connecting” to a smartphone or tablet, the word “connect” refers to a physical connection (and not a “wireless” connection).
So how can you “connect” your Dermlite dermatoscope to your iPhone or tablet?
"In the context of Dermlite dermatoscopes 'connecting' to a smartphone or tablet, the word 'connect' refers to a physical connection (and not a 'wireless' connection)."
Make sure your dermatoscope is MagnetiConnect-compatible, which means that it has a built-in ferromagnetic ring surrounding the eyepiece. This ring will provide a perfectly-aligned "attachment point" for the magnets seen on the various MagnetiConnect adapters.
To help customers decide which MagnetiConnect adapter/connector is best for their needs, we made this video:
As described in the video, the “cases” are device-specific. So returning to our example, we mentioned using the iPhone 14 Pro Max. For the iPhone 14 versions, this case is available:
However, if you have device for which a case isn’t available, there are two “universal” options.
The first (and most popular) option would be the new MagnetiConnect Clamp:
Or alternatively, the “Universal Smartphone Adapters” remain an option:
So in summary, when it comes to compatibility with apps, EMR’s, etc., it's the device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) that must be compatible (and not the dermatoscope).
However, to take pictures with the device you’ll be using, that's where you’ll need to use 1) a MagnetiConnect-compatible dermatoscope along with 2) an adapter which is compatible with your device (as described above).
Hopefully that helps!