iPad 6

Available options for connecting an iPad 6:

MagnetiConnect Clamp (MCC)

Taking pictures with your iPad 5

As seen in the image above, there are 3 components necessary to take pictures (or video) with your Dermlite dermatoscope. They include:

  • MagnetiConnect-compatible Dermlite dermatoscope, plus...
  • A device-specific MagnetiConnect case (aka "Connection Kit") OR the MagnetiConnect Clamp OR the Universal Smartphone Adapter, plus...
  • Camera, smartphone, or tablet

It's important to note that the device-specific MagnetiConnect cases are not available for all devices.

If you do not see a device-specific case listed as being available for your model of iPhone (or iPad), then your connection options will be limited to either one of the MagnetiConnect Clamps or the Universal Smartphone Adapter (smartphones only - not for use on tablets).